Photo Finish is a short comedy about a frumpy middle-aged woman who gets caught on camera having an illicit affair with a young boy toy. She and her friend go to great lengths to steal the photo and negatives to prevent her husband from finding out. But alas, because of the theft, the incriminating photo lands on the front page of the morning newspaper in her husband’s hands setting the stage for one lively breakfast conversation.
Secret to Making a
Professional Marketing Video
Lesson Twelve
Step 5:Â Drag and Drop Editing
In this session, we will go step by step how to use the editing software with drag and drop editing and file importing, more in depth than the introduction to editing software. You will learn how to create a video from scratch to suit your business and niche in 3 different formats.
Watch the Video and then Create from scratch a video with titles and images related to your marketing video, even if it's only a few clips, just to get the hang of it if you haven't already started editing your marketing video yet. You can do this!
Download the Product Video Bonus Structure Tool. The Bonus Video and XML Files will be available at the end of the course in a Bonus Drop Box File. You can also download them now here. If you have any trouble downloading the links, please send an email to
I also placed 2 marketing videos into a Sample Marketing Video Bonus Folder and you can access that here. If you do not have Final Cut Pro X to import the XML file into your software timeline, then you can drag one of these two marketing videos into your timeline as a model for how to structure your own video. Remember to enable it when you want to use it as a template model of where to drag and drop your clips and titles, and then disable it so only your own clips and titles will show. You are not bound by any of the timing or lengths of the clips. It will vary depending on your music choice but remember to keep the pace moving and these videos are a good guide as to how fast they should move.
If you are using the free Open Shot software, go to their website and click on User Guide. It will walk you through installing the software, importing files, drag and drop editing, adding music, exporting your video and much more. You will notice how similar the interface is with Final Cut Pro X so it should be easy to pick up. If you need a quick tutorial on how to import files into Final Cut Pro X (other than drag and drop editing), please click here for a quick tutorial.
I will also do a tutorial for Open Shot using the bonus template in a separate session so you see how easy it is to use. Do not let it scare you. You will take a sigh of relief when you see the interface (how it looks) and how easy it is to follow the template and drag and drop. For now, learn the basics.
If you are using another editing software, watch the video tutorials on how to get started on the software website and/or Google videos that teach the same for your software.
Website Product Video Bonus Tool
Use this tool to learn how to create a website product sales video in the 3 basic formats.